JigsAudio explores how drawing and talking can provide alternative means of having a voice in place change.
The paper documenting JigsAudio’s use is available free at the link below. The paper documents JigsAudio’s initial use, and how through using JigsAudio, it encouraged people to engage with the future of their city.
I contributi sono stati raccolti durante Area Festival Internazionale dei Beni Comuni, tenutosi a Chieri dal 29 giugno al 1 luglio 2018. A chiunque volesse condividere un ricordo o un'idea, è stato chiesto di rappresentarla a parole o con dei disegni su un cartoncino, da abbinare a un messaggio vocale.
JigsAudio was used in Seven Stories to explore children’s perceptions of their built environment. In this deployment we asked them to imagine what the alien (who is visiting earth) what they miss about their planet.
We’re doing something special for this jigsaw, so please bear with us whilst we get it put together.
Estrategias de organización y participación ciudadana en torno al desarrollo urbano, en Manizales, Colombia.
Strategies of organization and citizen participation in urban developments in Manizales, Colombia.
The Puzzle Board is a collaberation between Open Lab, Newcastle City Futures and Seven Stories.
The puzzle aims to get children to think about the future of Newcastle, and share this vision through both drawing and audio.
JigsAudio was used as part of the 'Let's Talk Parks Project. Here it was used in a slightly different way. Instead of drawing and talking, it was used as part as a board game. If you'd like to use JigsAudio for other uses, feel free to fork the code on GitHub.
You can view the Let's Talk Parks Project below.
Newcastle City Council is having to rethink how it delivers the city’s parks services and wants to get your views on ideas developed so far, as well as hear your ideas on how parks in Newcastle should be run in future.
JigsAudio was used as part of this project. To find out more about Let's Talk Parks, click the link below
All the source code for JigsAudio is open! If you'd like to make your own JigsAudio device, head to GitLab..